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Product Sense - Build a product for Sports

Difficultyproduct designAsked at Meta (Facebook)

Question Explain

This product design question is asking you to ideate, define, and describe a new, innovative sports-related product. Product Sense refers to your ability to design useful products that people will want to use, often with a focus on user-centric design and understanding the target market's needs and behaviors.

Here are a few steps to help you structure your answer:

  1. Choose a sport: There are various sports, and each has unique requirements, limitations, problems that can be solved by a product. By picking a specific sport you create a more focused scope for your answer.
  2. Identify a problem: After choosing a sport, identify a problem or need that the people involved in this sport are confronted with. This demonstrates your ability to view from the users' perspective.
  3. Propose a solution: This is the product you are proposing. Your product should address the problem you identified in the previous step.
  4. Validate your solution: Explain why your product is a good solution for the problem. Could be its feasibility, user benefits, cost-effectiveness etc.
  5. Suggest implementation strategies: How can your product be launched? Who are the potential partners or channels?

Answer Example 1

Consider Cricket as a sport choice and the problem being identified is the selection of appropriate cricket gear for beginners.

To address this problem, I propose an application named "CricketGear". The product is an app that works as a comprehensive guide for beginners who want to get into Cricket but are unsure about what gear to select. The app would contain details on gear specific to different formats of cricket, age groups, skill level, price range, and more.

The application would solve the problem by guiding beginners towards the right purchase decisions, eliminating confusion, and providing an easy start to their cricket journey.

The application could be launched in collaboration with sports equipment manufacturers and sports academies preferably in regions where cricket is highly popular.

Answer Example 2

For the sport of swimming, a common issue is keeping track of laps during training or swimming routines.

To solve this, I propose a product called "AquaCount", a waterproof wearable worn on the wrist that automatically counts and records swimming laps. The device would use motion-sensing technology to identify each lap swum with alerts when specific milestones are reached.

This product is a good solution as it enables swimmers to focus on their performance rather than keeping track of laps, which can be distracting.

To launch AquaCount, partnerships could be formed with swimming schools, professional swim coaches, and swim clubs. The product could also be marketed via sports equipment stores and online platforms.

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