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Tell me about a time when you influenced a peer who had a differing opinion

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This question is trying to understand your skills in influencing, convincing, or persuading other people, specifically those who have contrasting opinions to yours. The interviewer is interested in knowing how you handle opposition, and how you utilize persuasive communication and diplomacy to achieve a common objective. The focus here is on the process, not necessarily the result. For an effective response, you must:

  1. Recount a specific instance where you encountered a differing opinion.
  2. Explain how you assessed the situation.
  3. Describe how you developed a strategy to convince your peer.
  4. Talk about the execution of your plan.
  5. Finally, mention the result, whether or not you were successful. Remember, the goal here is to show your ability in constructively handling disagreements, not necessarily winning them.

Answer Example 1

In my last job, a peer and I were assigned to a project and we had completely different views on how to proceed. I believed that we should delve into intensive research before starting, whereas my colleague felt we should work it out as we moved along the project. Recognizing the importance of each opinion, I proposed a meeting to discuss both approaches.

During the meeting, I laid out my rationale behind believing in thorough research, highlighting how this would minimize risks and avoid potential pitfalls later. I also outlined how this could potentially save us time in the long run. I, however, acknowledged his approach, suggesting that we could blend the two strategies by starting with a basic level of research then continue to learn as we move along.

My peer agreed, appreciating my effort to understand his view and find a middle ground. This approach not only resolved our differences but also brought us closer as a team. The project ended up being a great success and even finished ahead of schedule.

Answer Example 2

At one point in my previous role, I recognized the need for a new software tool that could significantly enhance our work productivity. However, my teammate was resistant, being more comfortable with the existing tools.

Instead of trying to push my point forward, I decided to acknowledge her concerns first. I then invited her to join me in a trial period of the new software, showing her hands-on how it could potentially make our work easier. I also ensured I was patient, diplomatic, and open to her feedback.

In the end, she agreed to give it a shot and was surprised at the positive results. This not only demonstrated my ability to influence and convince but also reinforced the importance of patience, understanding, and respect in managing differing opinions.

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