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How could Uber integrate Eats into the core Uber app?

Difficultyproduct designAsked at Uber

Question Explain

This question is asking you to combine two different features or services provided by Uber - ridesharing and food delivery - into one unified app. The company wants to understand your creative problem-solving skills and how you approach the integration of services from a user experience perspective. Think about how the two services can complement each other in a way that enhances user experience.

Main things to consider:

  1. How both services can be displayed without cluttering the interface or confusing the user.
  2. How the app could navigate between the two services.
  3. How to maintain the unique user experiences of each service while merging them.

Answer Example 1

Integration of Uber Eats into the core Uber app could be done by creating a tabbed interface on the app's home screen. The tabs could be labeled something like "Ride" and "Eats". When the user opens the app, they would be able to choose between booking a ride or ordering food by simply clicking on the relevant tab.

To make it even more user-friendly, the app could remember the user's most recent activity and open to whichever tab they used last. This way, habitual Uber Eats users would automatically land on the food ordering interface when they open their app, and riders would be taken straight to the booking interface.

The integration should also highlight the opportunity for users to order food while on their trip. If a user has booked a ride and their route goes near Uber Eats participating restaurants, the app can send a push notification offering them the option to make a food order. Communication between the two services could enhance the overall user experience.

Answer Example 2

Another approach that could be more integrated: when users open the app, instead of being presented with separate services, they could be asked 'What would you like to do?' and given a list of options like 'Get a ride', 'Order food', 'Schedule a ride for later', etc.

Additionally, users could also be given the option to order food while on a trip. Suppose a user is in an Uber heading home and decides they want to order food. Once the user places an order, the app can automatically change their ride destination to the restaurant. This dual functionality can allow users to streamline their activities and make the most of their time.

The order process should also be integrated with the rides process to avoid duplicating steps. For instance, when a user orders food, they could utilize their saved addresses from the rides portion of the app, eliminating the need to re-enter this information. Streamlining these processes can create a seamless experience for users.

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