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What are your PM principles?

DifficultybehavioralAsked at LendingClub

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In this question, the interviewer is aiming to understand your guiding principles as a Project Manager (PM). They want to uncover your approach to project management and your philosophy about successfully completing projects. They are interested in understanding your methods and strategies, along with the specific mindset you bring to your work. It's important to convey that you have a set of strong values and ethics that guide your decision making in project management. This might include principles such as clarity, accountability, risk management, quality control, or continuous learning.

Answer Example 1

My approach to project management is shaped by five core principles. First and foremost, I believe in the importance of clear communication. I ensure that everyone involved in a project has a solid understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and deadlines. Secondly, I firmly adhere to the concept of accountability. I take ownership of my projects and ensure that every member does the same for their part. I also rely heavily on strategic planning to anticipate challenges and create a framework for success. My fourth principle revolves around risk management. I aim to identify potential pitfalls early on to avoid larger issues down the line. Lastly, I am a big believer in continuous learning. I see every project as an opportunity to learn something new and improve for the future.

Answer Example 2

Three principles guide my work as a Project Manager. Firstly, transparency is key. I foster an environment of open communication where progress, setbacks, and changes are regularly communicated, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Secondly, I place a high value on collaboration. I actively work to facilitate a team dynamic where everyone's inputs are valued, and the best decisions are made collectively. Lastly, I believe in meticulous organization and management. I use comprehensive project management tools to track tasks, due dates, and progress. These principles have served me well across several successful projects.

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