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Design a product to help Americans waste less.

Difficultyproduct designAsked at Silicon Valley Bank

Question Explain

This question requires that you draw on your empathy, research skills, engineering or design background, and problem-solving abilities. It is essentially asking you to create a product that would help curb wastefulness among Americans - a big societal issue. To handle this, you need to first understand where the wastage is highest: is it in food, energy, time, or resources, etc? Next, you need to approach this problem from a user's perspective and think about a practical solution that could realistically reduce wastage. It will be helpful to consider the implications of implementing your idea from a variety of perspectives, including potential impacts on users, society, and the environment.

Answer Example 1

One of the most significant sources of waste in the US stems from food. Food wastage not only has economic implications, but it also consumes valuable environmental resources and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. As such, I would propose a smart pantry system.

This connected system would consist of containers and an app. The containers would have sensors that can estimate the amount of food left within them and the expiration date of the items. The sensor information would be connected to the app, which could alert the users about food that's about to expire so they can consume it before it goes bad. It could also suggest recipes based on what's available in the pantry to prevent food waste. For expiration dates that are far off but the product is almost used up, the app could automatically add the item to a digital grocery list to help with efficient shopping.

Answer Example 2

Energy wastage is a widespread problem with significant environmental consequences. For this reason, I would design a product to help reduce energy waste in residences.

In particular, I would propose a smart home automation system that integrates with the home's lighting, heating, cooling, and electronic devices. The system could monitor usage patterns, occupancy, and users' preferences to optimize energy use.

For example, it could automatically adjust the thermostat based on the weather and presence of occupants in the house, switch off lights when no one is present in a room, and manage standby energy waste by turning off idle devices. Through an app, users could also manually control these aspects and monitor their energy consumption in real-time to better understand their habits and identify further opportunities to cut back on waste.

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