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How would you disrupt the travel industry?

Difficultyproduct designAsked at Meta (Facebook)

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This question is about understanding how innovative and creative you can be in reimagining an industry. The interviewer is asking for your sense of initiative, adaptivity, and problem-solving skills. They want to gauge your ability to identify potential inefficiencies, generate unique solutions, or propose an entirely new innovative concept. They are also looking to see if you can think like an entrepreneur.

Here's a framework to guide your response:

  1. Research the current industry standards/trends and any gaps or challenges in the industry.
  2. Identify one or more areas that could benefit from disruption/innovation.
  3. Propose a unique idea/solution that could disrupt this area and offer advantages over current methods.
  4. Discuss the impacts of the proposed changes on industry stakeholders.
  5. Address potential obstacles, outline plans for overcoming them and explain how your solution is feasible.

Answer Example 1

One area of potential disruption in the travel industry could be through personalization. Currently, travel planning and booking are largely standardized processes, where travelers have to fit their needs and preferences into pre-defined packages or services.

To disrupt this, one could design a platform that employs artificial intelligence and machine learning to tailor travel experiences for individual users based on their preferences, budget, travel history, reviews and the like. For instance, the platform would recommend travel destinations, accommodations, transportation, and even attractions and dining options specifically catered to the user's taste and budget.

This will streamline the time-consuming process of travel planning, raise user satisfaction, and potentially generate more business for local vendors. However, challenges lie in ensuring data security for users and developing a sophisticated algorithm that can accurately learn and model user preferences. A plausible plan would be to partner with technology companies and existing travel agencies, and continuously iterate the platform based on user feedback.

Answer Example 2

The travel industry could be disrupted through the application of augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). Currently, travelers base their decisions primarily on online research and reviews. However, these don't always provide a complete or accurate picture.

My idea would be to create a platform where destinations, hotels, and other tourist establishments can create AR/VR experiences of what it's like to visit them. Travelers could, for example, take a virtual walk on a beach resort, or explore a city's main attractions and even local markets, all from the comfort of their home. They'd have a much clearer idea of what they're booking, thus improving their satisfaction and reducing cases of 'expectation-reality' gaps.

Such a platform would inevitably require significant investment in technology and collaborations with various establishments for content. Yet, as VR technology is becoming increasingly accessible, it’s a plan with high feasibility and potential to revolutionize the way people plan their travel.

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