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How do you ensure code quality?

DifficultybehavioralAsked at Apple

Question Explain

In this question, the interviewer wants to assess how you maintain and improve the quality of the code you write in your day-to-day tasks. The interviewer wants to understand your best practices, initiatives, tools and methodologies for ensuring the quality of your code. They are also interested in your understanding of these practices in ensuring efficient, easily maintainable, and less error-prone code.

While answering, remember to:

  1. Mention your focus on clean and understandable code.
  2. Talk about your use of coding standards and style guides.
  3. Discuss your testing procedures.
  4. Highlight your use of Version Control Systems.
  5. Mention any tools or software for linting, formatting or for Static code analysis that you use.
  6. Discuss about peer code reviews and how they help maintain code quality.

Answer Example 1

In my previous role, improving code quality was at the forefront of my responsibilities. To ensure that, firstly, I adhered strictly to coding standards and style guides. This practice enabled me to write clean and understandable code and made any code modification tasks easier.

I also employed Unit Testing and Continuous Integration techniques. Unit Testing helped me validate each piece of my code and Continuous Integration allowed frequent code changes, which enhanced quality and detected bugs early.

Another approach I used was the utilization of Static Code Analysis Tools like SonarQube. These tools helped in detecting potential vulnerabilities, checking code smells, and reviewing code complexity; all contributing to robust code.

Furthermore, I leveraged the power of code reviews, pairing with my peers to go over my code. This helped in code optimization, bug identification and it promoted a learning culture through knowledge sharing.

Lastly, Version Control Systems, specifically Git, were instrumental in managing code changes and keeps record of modifications which further maintained the quality of our code.

Answer Example 2

To maintain high code quality, firstly I always insist on writing clean and well-documented code. I believe that clear and understandable code is the prerequisite for quality as it promotes easier future maintenance and reduces error-occurrences.

In addition, I make use of coding standards and conventions wherever applicable, as they ensure code uniformity. My go-to tools for maintaining these standards are ESLint and Prettier.

I also implement Test-driven Development (TDD). By writing tests first, I am forced to think about the system design and what the output should be, hence leading to better architecture and quality code.

Another practice I swear by is the use of a Version Control System. It allows us to track and manage changes to our code over time and ensures that we have a mechanism to roll back if something goes wrong.

Finally, I value the contributions reviews from my peers add to the code quality. I encourage frequent code reviews as this provides diverse perspectives on how to solve a problem, uncovers potential bugs, and leads to improved code quality.

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